Prince George of Wales

The latest Prince George of Wales articles from Marie Claire

Prince George is third in line to the throne and is the eldest child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge - Prince William and Kate Middleton. Born in London in 2013, Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge (to give him his full title) consistently hits the headlines with his adorable antics at official Royal engagements. At just two-years-old, the young Royal greeted President Barack Obama in his bathrobe before bed and on his first official Royal tour to Canada in 2016, absolutely delighted waiting crowds as he played with some bubbles. (Cue some utterly cute pictures of Prince George in his element.) Much like his mother though, little Prince George has also found himself to be quite the fashion influencer despite his young years with many of his adorable outfits selling out just hours after pictures of him wearing them first surface.

Prince George of Wales