The final Mercury Retrograde of the year is here (and that's actually a good thing)

Astrologer Kirsty Gallagher offers her survival guide

Mercury Retrograde: Illustration of woman doing yoga alongside the cosmos
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Just when you thought 2023 was nearly all wrapped up, troublesome Mercury Retrograde swoops in with one final stint. When Mercury, the planet of communication, goes into retrograde motion there's a collective sense of dread among astrology believers, with transport delays, poor decision-making, tech issues and crossed wires thought to be symptomatic of the period. 

"It's become very fashionable to blame Mercury Retrograde for things going wrong," astrologer and spiritual guide Kirsty Gallagher explains. Before clarifying, "And that's a good thing in a way - it gets astrology out there!" But this tricky astrological event needn't be so vehemently feared, as in the astrological sphere: "It's a period that's actually a great opportunity for growth." 

We've just entered the final Mercury Retrograde of the year. Mercury began moving in backward motion on 13 December, shifting from Capricorn to Sagittarius on 23 December. The planet will then go direct on January 1 2024, tying its retrograde journey up neatly with the beginning of the new year. 

This last Mercury Retrograde of the year coincides with the hectic festive period: precisely the time when you don't want to be dealing with any unexpected delays or disasters. Now, we're not trying to say that Mercury's influence isn't a little chaotic, at least according to followers of astrology. "We're going to see travel go a little bit wrong," Gallagher tells us. Not to mention past relationships or problems coming out of the woodwork (take a look at our guide on what to do when your ex texts you, you might need it). However, with a few small mindset shifts, Mercury's influence doesn't have to be too disruptive. Kirsty urges that it's not just about surviving Mercury Retrograde, but thriving during it too. 

The retrograde period turns everything on its head, which can feel disorderly, but it also encourages fresh perspectives, particularly when it comes to ourselves and our relationships. "Mercury Retrograde gives us a chance to slow down. We want to think of all the 're' words; revise, revisit, review, reassess," she explains. "It's a really beautiful opportunity to go inwards and look at our communication." This is how to make the most of the final Mercury Retrograde of 2023 and use the time wisely, according to an astrologer. 

Kirsty Gallagher headshot
Kirsty Gallager

Kirsty is widely regarded as one of the UK’s leading voices in modern-day spirituality and soul-led personal development. As well as offering coaching and mentoring services, Kirsty is also the author of the Sunday Times bestselling book Lunar Living.

Mercury Retrograde survival tips 

1. Slow down

With Mercury retrograde comes the likelihood of an onslaught of travel issues, according to astrologers. But while the festive period might be inevitably a bit more hectic, Kirst suggests that we should use Mercury in retrograde as an excuse to slow down and take the scenic route (and always allow for extra time!) "If you're going to travel somewhere over mercury retrograde, give yourself a few extra hours to get there," she explained. 

"Enjoy the journey. Don't be rushing and getting to your destination flustered and stressed out. And if tech goes wrong, take a moment to pause. Do you really need to be scrolling Instagram? Can you sit and just watch your Christmas tree lights, read a book, or go and walk in nature?" 

2. Reflect and review

This time of year naturally lends itself towards reflection and introspection - and, according to Gallagher, the added influence of Mercury in retrograde will allow us to delve deeper into our understanding of how we want the future to look. "This retrograde picks up exactly where the last one left off [last winter's retrograde period ended on 18 January 2023]. 

"This retrograde is asking us to look back to last January. What intentions did you set? What did you do? What worked? What did you say that you were going to do that you didn't do, and why didn't you do it? Were you scared? Did you believe that you couldn't? Review the year, learn from it, gather wisdom and then use all that to look at how you want to do things differently next year."

3. Tie up loose ends

One of the most unnerving associations with Mercury retrograde is an ex popping out of the woodwork - but is there any truth in that? Well, potentially, according to Gallagher, who tells us: "There's a reason why Mercury has this reputation". 

She continued: "Mercury will bring back anything unfinished. Unfinished business, anywhere that needs loose ends tying up. Any time in the past where you didn't get to say what you meant and speak your truth."

This doesn't have to mean an ex-partner, but could also relate to past relationship problems with friends or family members, or an old issue coming to a head. In the astrological world, Mercury is thought to be the task-master of the planets, making us face up to the truth. While uncomfortable, this can ultimately be cathartic. In other words, if you've got something you've needed to get off your chest, now's the time. 

4. Be mindful of communication

As the planet of communication, it's no surprise that when Mercury goes backwards, conversations can be misinterpreted. "People might need to be mindful over the Christmas dinner table with family members," warns Gallagher. 

"If you can keep in mind, 'choose to be kind rather than right'. What we find in Mercury retrograde is that it's like we're almost speaking different languages. Be aware in conversations that there might be some misinterpretation. There's also a chance for deep and meaningful conversation over a Mercury retrograde where we get to grips with our truth." 

5. Prepare for the future

While Mercury Retrograde may come with some negative connotations, this particular transition from Capricorn into Sagittarius is a positive move when it comes to looking towards future aspirations. As she explains: "Sagitarrius is all about expansion, optimism and hope. This is going to allow you to find a new belief set for next year. 

"If you're the kind of person who gets daunted by the potential for things to go wrong, Sagittarius says 'Let's find a new belief where things could go right'. It helps you to think 'If anything was possible, what would I do?' and that helps you to find your little dreams."

January 2nd marks the end of the retrograde period and, for those who believe in its effects, the time to breathe a huge sigh of relief. "As Mercury goes direct again on the second of January it's the chance to move in a different direction that year," Gallagher continued." We've slowed down, we've reviewed, we've expanded our thoughts, so now let's move forward differently."

Goal planners at the ready...

Lauren is the former Deputy Digital Editor at woman&home and became a journalist mainly because she enjoys being nosy. With a background in features journalism, Lauren has bylines in publications such as Marie Claire UK, Red Magazine, House of Coco, women&home, GoodTo, Woman's Own and Woman magazine.

She started writing for national papers and magazines at Medavia news agency, before landing a job in London working as a lifestyle assistant and covers everything from fashion and celebrity style to beauty and careers.