There's going to be a crime documentary about Serial's Adnan Syed

The new docuseries will focus on the 1999 murder of US high school student Hae Min Lee, the police investigation that followed and the conviction of her ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed...

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The new docuseries will focus on the 1999 murder of US high school student Hae Min Lee, the police investigation that followed and the conviction of her ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed...

If, like me, you were left with ALL the questions after binging your way through the entirety of crime podcast Serial, you'll be interested to know that a brand new televised documentary series has been announced.

Taking a hard look at the original crime, The Case Against Adnan Syed will revisit the 1999 disappearance and murder of 18-year-old Hae Min Lee in Baltimore Country.

Adnan, Hae's former high school boyfriend, was arrested and convicted of the crime. He was 19-years-old when he was sentenced to life in prison back in 2000, but he has always maintained his innocence.

The hugely-successful Serial podcast, which was hosted by investigative radio journalist Sarah Koenig, threw questions over evidence in the case, leaving many feeling unsure about whether or not they believed in Adnan's guilt.

A follow-up podcast, Undisclosed, went into even more detail and, ultimately, further fuelled the campaign for his exoneration.

This new TV series is due to air on HBO and Sky soon, and will be directed by Oscar-nominated Amy Berg, the filmmaker behind crime documentary film West of Memphis. 

According to E! News, HBO has said that new evidence will be presented on the show, including 'groundbreaking revelations that challenge the state’s case' against Syed.

Rolling Stone also report that the documentary makers will have exclusive access to Syed, his defence team and his family. The series will also include interviews with Baltimore law enforcement and Hae Min Lee's friends and teachers.

Adnan, who is now in his late 30s, found himself back in the headlines in March, having been granted a new trial. According to reports at the time, Maryland’s second-highest court determined that the 'deficient performance' of his original defence team meant that he had been subjected to an unfair trial.

As is standard with these things, prosecutors are now expected to challenge the decision.

Adnan's close friend Rabia Chaudry, an attorney in her own right and author of Adnan’s Story: The Search for Truth and Justice After Serial, has been campaigning for a review of his case.

It was her who first brought it to the attention of Serial podcast creators.

A release date for The Case Against Adnan Syed has not yet been confirmed. But we'll be keeping an eye out.