Why are Chrissy Teigen and Kim K wearing chokers made of faux human flesh?

Would you wear one?

a human fashion brand
(Image credit: Matt Baron/REX/Shutterstock)

Would you wear one?

We were just casually scrolling through our Instagram stories the other day when we screamed at one of Chrissy Teigen’s newest photos, promptly shut down the app, then curiously opened it up again to try and digest what we were looking at. If you don’t already know what we’re talking about, we’re referring to a grotesque yet oddly beautiful video of Chrissy staring into the camera, showing off feathers made of her own flesh sprouting from her decolletage.

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If it sounds creepy, that’s because it absolutely is. And, she isn’t the only celebrity to jump on the faux body modification bandwagon so it could be the start of a very bizarre trend.

The wild body mod is a temporary one, as it turns out it’s actually a creation from A. Human who specialise in the eerie accessories. According to their site, they describe themselves as ‘a fashion brand from the future where self-expression isn’t defined by what you put on your body, but how you change your body’ which sounds very Bladerunner to us. Chrissy Teigen rocked a piece called ‘Human Feathers’ - which does what it says on the tin, we guess - however you won’t be able to get your hands on a pair as they were apparently made specifically for her.

While A. Human haven’t started selling their stuff just yet, a few celebrities have hopped on the A. Human train and seem to have been gifted some creepy pieces. Never one to be late to the party, Kim K. flaunted her own A. Human original on Twitter: a flesh choker embedded with lights that flash along to ‘the rhythm of [her] heartbeat’ according to the star.

We don’t know if we’re 100% on board with the pieces, but if anybody could make us change our minds - it’s Queer Eye’s Tan France.

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The style guru rocked easily our favourite piece from the collection called the Tudor, which A.Human describes as a ‘living ruffled collar’. Sure, it’s nightmare fodder but it’s chic nightmare fodder.

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It turns out that A. Human will actually be launching their flagship store during New York Fashion Week this September 5. They'll be kicking things off in style, as they’ll be hosting events all month long that are part live performance, part exhibition and all parts unsettling.

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The ticketed event will run the curious $40+ a pop and those who attend will be able to peruse their collection of ‘bespoke hearts for you and your lover to biological heels that stem from your legs’. It sounds like it’s going to be a pretty big deal and a major spectacle as they’re bringing together actors, tech, set design and ‘theatrical surprises’ to make it a fashion show that you’ll never forget.

We don’t know if we could see these pieces making it mainstream, but you never know what’s going to pick up speed nowadays in the fashion world. Who knows, maybe we’ll all be wearing handbags made from faux human spines in a month or two.

Megan C. Hills

Megan is a freelance journalist who covers entertainment and all things lifestyle, with a particular passion for fashion, beauty, travel and Keanu Reeves stories. She has previously worked on staff for titles including Marie Claire UK, CNN Style and The Evening Standard and has written for titles such as Bustle UK, Wallpaper*, Forbes and Hong Kong Tatler. She splits her time between London and her hometown Hong Kong, where she currently lives with the love of her life - an elderly dog named Poppy - and her husband.