All the Game of Thrones deaths in order of how upset we were about them
Because let's be honest, some of these guys really had it coming
Because let's be honest, some of these Game of Thrones characters really had it coming...
Any character still standing after the last six seasons of Game of Thrones deserves a bloody medal. For George R.R. Martin loves nothing if not a shock blood bath. Though Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister) has hinted that the death toll is set to slow in Season 7, we expect there are still a few key casualties in store.
Here's all the Game of Thrones character deaths* so far, in order of how upset we were about them.
Also, check out August cover star Sophie Turner's attempt (above) to name as many character losses as possible, without Season 7 spoilers, in 30 seconds. Easy peasy, right?!
* Characters known as 'Stablehand 2' or 'House of Bolton Archer' not included
Ramsay Bolton Lord Bolton's bastard son Cause of death: eaten by his own dogs (never has anyone in the history of the world deserved to be eaten by his own dogs more. He made Joffrey look like a nice guy) Joffrey Baratheon Lord of the Seven Kingdoms Cause of death: Poisoned at the Purple Wedding by Olenna Tyrell and Littlefinger
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Walder Frey Lord of the Crossing and head of House FreyCause of death: Stabbed to death by a serving girl who turns out to be Arya in disguise. (This was after eating a pie filled with his own ‘moron sons’ - don't feel bad, remember what he did at the Red Wedding...).
Gregor Clegane Knight and Head of House Clegane, loyal to House Lannister Cause of death: Poisoned by the spear of Oberyn Martell in a trial by combat (Technically he's now been brought back to life, but we're not sure how 'back to life' he actually is so he's staying on this list)
Viserys Targaryen Exiled head of House Targaryen and brother to Daenerys Targaryen Cause of death: Khal Drogo pours molten gold on his head at Daenerys' command - ouch (Strong contender for worst brother of all time)
Alliser Thorne Brother of the Night's Watch Cause of death: hanging ordered by Jon Snow (He betrayed Jon Snow. The most underhand move of them all)
Janos Slynt Former commander of the City Watch in King’s Landing, exiled to Night’s Watch by Tyrion Lannister Cause of death: Beheaded for insubordination by Jon Snow (Probably the most high stakes game of 'call my bluff' ever)
Pyat Pree Warlock from Qarth, Member of the Thirteen Cause of death: Burned alive by Daenerys’s dragons
Meryn Trant Knight in the Kingsguard Cause of death: Blinded and stabbed before having his throat slit by Arya Stark (He was awful)
Craster A Wildling who lived with his daughter-wives beyond the Wall Cause of death: Killed by Karl Tanner, a Night’s Watchman (Incest etc)
Kraznys Slave trader in Slaver’s Bay and one of the Good Masters Cause of death: Burned alive by Drogon after he tries to trade the Unsullied for the dragon and insults Daenerys
Polliver Man-at-arms for House Lannister Cause of death: Stabbed in the throat by Arya stark Myranda Servant of House Bolton and Ramsay Snow’s lover Cause of death: Pushed off a ledge by Theon Grejoy
Stannis Baratheon Lord of Dragonstone, brother of Robert and Renly Baratheon, claimant to the Iron Throne Cause of death: Executed by Brienne of Tarth (Ordering your own daughter to be burned at the stake doesn't win you many friends)
Selyse Baratheon Wife of Stannis Baratheon Cause of death: Hangs herself following death of her daughter (See above)
Roose Bolton Lord of the Dreadfort and head of House Bolton Cause of death: stabbed by his own son
Lysa Arryn Lady Regent of the Vale, sister to Catelyn Stark, briefly the wife of Littlefinger Cause of death: Pushed out of the Moon Door by Littlefinger
Balon Greyjoy Ruler of House Greyjoy and Lord Reaper of Pyke Cause of death: Killed by his younger brother Euron (is there any place less LOLZ in the Seven Kingdoms than Pyke?)
The High Sparrow (and all his little sparrows) Leader of the ‘Sparrows’ and the High Septon Cause of death: Cersei and her wildfire. In the biggest cull of major characters since the Red Wedding, the lot of them were incinerated by a load of wildfire that Cersei had hidden under the Great Sept. The High Sparrow was really annoying. Karl Tanner Brother of the Night’s Watch, leader of the mutiny at Craster’s Keep Cause of death: Impaled by Jon Snow during raid on Craster’s Keep
Rast Ranger in the Night’s Watch Cause of death: Ripped apart by Jon Snow’s direwolf, Ghost, during raid on Craster’s Keep Locke Master-at-arms for House Bolton Cause of death: Neck snapped by Bran Stark
Shae Prostitute and girlfriend of Tyrion Lannister Cause of death: strangled to death by Tyrion Lannister
Tywin Lannister Head of House Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock. Father of Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion Lannister Cause of death: Shot on the toilet by Tyrion with a crossbow
Mirri Maz Duur Enslaved godswife Cause of death: Burned alive on a funeral pyre by Daenerys Targaryen
Doreah Handmaiden to Daenarys Cause of death: Locked with Xaro Xhoan Daxos inside a Valyrian stone vault by Jorah Mormont at the order of Daenerys
Xaro Xhoan Daxos Merchant in Qarth Cause of death: (see above)
Hizdahr zo Loraq Scion of the House Loraq, former slave trader, husband of Daenerys Cause of death: Stabbed to death by the Sons of the Harpy (Had this not happened he probably would have tried to double-cross Daenerys at some point)
Yoren Recruiter for the Night’s Watch Cause of death: Killed by Ser Amory Lorch, loyal to House Lannister, in a fight
Ros Prostiture in Littlefinger’s brothel and spy for Varys Cause of death: Shot by Joffrey Baratheon with a crossbow
The Hound Member of House Clegane, brother of the Mountain, former bodyguard of Joffrey Baratheon, kidnaps Arya Stark Cause of death: Critically wounded by Brienne of Tarth, left to die by Arya Stark
Jon Arryn Hand to the Kind before Ned Stark Cause of death: Poisoned by Lysa Arryn and Littlefinger
Loras Tyrell A Knight of House Tyrell and the third son of Lord Mace Tyrell Cause of death: Blown up by Cersei and her wildfire. TBH, we hadn’t seen much of Tyrell in a while, so we’re not that bothered.
Will Ranger of the Night’s Watch Cause of death: Beheaded for desertion by Ned Stark
Walda Bolton Wife of Roose Bolton (originally a Frey) Cause of death: Killed by Ramsay Bolton (along with her new born son)
Hoster Tully Lord of Riverrun, Father of Edmure Tully, Catelyn Stark and Lysa Arryn Cause of death: Illness
Irri Dothraki handmaiden to Daenerys Targaryen Cause of death: Murdered during Xaro Xhoan Daxos’ theft of the dragons at Qarth
Trystane Martell Heir to Prince Doran Martell Cause of death: Killed by Ellaria Sand (He seemed like a good guy)
Doran Martell Ruler of Dorne Cause of death: Killed by Ellaria Sand (A bit passive but a nice enough person)
Greatjon Umber Ruler of House Umber (The Last Hearth) Cause of death: War of The Five Kings (admittedly gets more airtime in the books, but we like how loyal he is to the Starks)
Tommen Baratheon Younger brother of King Joffrey and Princess MyrcellaCause of death: Tommen jumped to his death after learning that his wife, his mates, and everything that he believed in had been burnt to a crisp. And it was his own mother who made this happen. (He may have been a bit of a wet lettuce, but we’re sad it ended like this.)
Brynden Tully Lord of House Tully Cause of death: Killed by Jaime Lannister
Margaery Tyrell
Mace Tyrell's only daughter and Queen Consort to King Joffrey Baratheon and King Tommen Baratheon Cause of death: Went up in flames thanks (again) to Cersei and her wildfire (frustrated she couldn’t scheme her way out of this one.) Renly Baratheon Master of Laws, Claimant to the Iron Throne, brother of Robert and Stannis Baratheon Cause of death: Killed by a shadow with Stannis Baratheon’s face that was birthed by Melisandre (For as long as we knew the guy, we liked him)
Mag the Mighty Giant fighting in Mance Rayder’s army Cause of death: Killed by Grenn and five other members of the Night’s Watch in the Battle of Castle Black (He was an endangered species)
Olly Junior member of the Night's WatchCause of death: hung by Jon Snow after stabbing him(We know he was a traitor, but he was also a very young traitor)
Rakharo Dothraki bodyguard to Daenerys Targaryen Cause of death: Killed and decapitated by a rival khalasar while scouting the Red Waste
Leaf Child of the forest (even though she's actually very old) Cause of death: sacrifices herself to save Bran and Meera from a band of white walkers (She did invent white walkers, but she also represented a highly persecuted indigenous group and gave her life for Bran)
Grenn Ranger in the Night's Watch Cause of death: Killed fighting the giant Mag the Mighty in the Battle of Castle Black (Any friend of Jon Snow's is a friend of ours - see also Pyp, below)
Pyp Brother of the Night’s Watch Cause of death: Shot through neck by Ygritte’s arrow in Battle of Castle Black
Mance Rayder Leader of the Free Folk Cause of death: Shot with a mercy arrow by Jon Snow before he’s burned alive (We actually quite liked Mance) Jeor Mormont Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch Cause of death: Stabbed to death by Night’s Watchman Rast during a mutiny
Qhorin Night’s Watch ranger Cause of death: Killed by Jon Snow (at Qhorin’s own behest) in order to trick the Wildlings into thinking Jon has left the Night’s Watch
Tansy Servant of House Bolton Cause of death: Hunted down by Ramsay Snow and eaten by his dogs (Ramsay Snow = monster)
Khal Drogo Chieftain of the Dothraki people and husband of Daenerys Targaryen Cause of death: Smothered by Daenerys Targaryen in a mercy killing after a spell by Mirri Maz Duur leaves him in a catatonic state
Osha Member of the Free Folk who becomes a servant of the Starks and (latterly) a protector of Rickon Cause of death: stabbed in the neck by Ramsay Bolton
Syrio Forel Master sword fighter and Arya Stark’s instructor in combat Cause of death: Presumably killed by Ser Meryn in a sword fight (he only had a wooden training sword)
Jory Cassel Captain of the Guards from House Stark Cause of death: Stabbed by Jaime Lannister through the eye Rodrik Cassel Master-at-Arms at Winterfell, Servant of House Stark Cause of death: Decapitated by Theon Greyjoy (We liked both of those Cassels)
Maester Luwin Role: Maester at Winterfell Cause of death: Osha ends his suffering after he is stabbed with a spear by an ironborn raider
Talisa Stark Wife of Robb Stark Cause of death: stabbed in stomach while pregnant by Lothar Frey at the Red Wedding Oberyn Martell Prince of the House Martell Cause of death: Skull crushed by the Mountain in a trial by combat (We were really rooting for the guy) Jojen Reed Warg, brother of Meer Reed, travelling companion of Bran Stark Cause of death: Mercy killed by Meera after being stabbed multiple times by a wight; burned by a fireball thrown by “The Children”
Maester Aemon Role: Maester at Castle Black Cause of death: old age (We know he was old and he'd had a really good innings, but we also feel like there was a lot of extra stuff he could have told us)
Myrcella Baratheon Daughter of Cersei and Jaime Lannister, sister to King Tommen Baratheon Cause of death: poisoned with a kiss by Ellaria Sand with the help of the Sank Snakes (This felt really unnecessary)
Robert Baratheon Lord of the Seven Kingdoms Cause of death: Mortally wounded by a wild boar after drinking wine given to him by Lancel Lannister at Cersei Lannister’s command (Mainly because him dying left the Lannisters in power) Barristan Selmy Fourth member of the Kingsguard, advisor of Daenerys Cause of death: Killed fighting the Sons of the Harpy in Meereen (A real old school hero)
Shireen Baratheon Daughter of Stannis and Selyse Baratheon Cause of death: burned alive as a sacrifice to the Lord of Light by Melisandre at the order of Stannis Baratheon (Killed by her own horrible father. Patchface's only friend... pass the tissues please)
Ygritte Soldier in Mance Rayder’s army and Jon Snow’s lover Cause of death: Shot with an arrow by Olly in the Battle of Castle Black (Responsible for the best GOT soundbite: 'You know nothing, Jon Snow')
Rickon Stark Youngest son of Ned Stark Cause of death: shot with an arrow by Ramsay Bolton (Rickon didn't get as much screen time as the other Starks, but we like all Starks by default and he was just way too young to die) EMBARRASSING LEVELS OF DEVASTATION
Loyal servant of House Stark Cause of death: Holding the door for Bran and Meera ('Hold the door' *weeps*)
Eddard 'Ned' Stark Hand of the King and Lord of the North Cause of death: Beheaded by Ser Ilyn Payne at the order of Joffrey Baratheon (The first big shock death of the series, we're still not quite over it)
Robb Stark Role: King of the North, son of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn of Winterfell Cause of death: Shot by Frey crossbowman and then stabbed through the heart by Roose Bolton at the Red Wedding
Catelyn Stark Wife of Eddard Stark, Mother of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon Cause of death: throat slit by Black Walder Rivers at the Red Wedding
Jon Snow Commander of the Night’s Watch, bastard son of Eddard Stark Cause of death: Stabbed by Night’s Watch mutineers (We know, we know. But technically this was a still a 'death')
(N.B Game of Thrones superfans: this list is based on the series rather than the original books. We appreciate there are some discrepancies)
*Update of original article published on 30th April 2016
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