This is the most popular method of contraception (yes, really)

The United Nations have just revealed a report that uncovers the most popular method of contraception in the world...and it's not what you thought

The Pill contraception
The Pill

The United Nations have just revealed a report that uncovers the most popular method of contraception in the world...and it's not what you thought

Contraception is always one of those subjects which never fails to get people talking. Whether it’s debating if the withdrawal method actually works (that’s a resounding no, FYI) or discussing if the male pill is actually going to exist, there’s always plenty to say on the subject.

Especially when it comes to the most popular method of contraception in the world. Have a guess now at what you think it would be as you read this and we’ll bet that the first three options you come up with are condoms, the Pill and withdrawal method. Are we right?

If we are, then it turns out we’re both wrong as none of these methods of contraception are actually the most popular in the world. In fact, they aren’t even close because the answer is far more surprising.

According to the United Nations, the most commonly used method of contraceptions is actually...


Yep, our minds were blown too.

Who’d have thought that something so permanent would prove so popular. Sterilisation is a medical practice in which a woman is permanently rendered infertile, so it’s a pretty drastic measure to take, to say the least.

Despite this permanence, the United Nation’s 2015 report on trends in contraceptive use worldwide found that last year 19% of women around the world who were married or in a relationship relied on sterilisation in order to avoid pregnancy. That’s almost one in five women around the globe.

The IUD (a.k.a the coil) came in second place with 14% of partnered women employing it around the world. Meanwhile, the Pill (9%) and the male condoms (8%) were surprisingly much less common. At the bottom of the methods, however, was the withdrawal or rhythm method which counted for just 6% of the female population in relationships.

According to the report, the majority of partnered women around the world use contraception, with a global average of 64% taking these preventative measures. However, this drops to 40% in developing countries, with Chad having the lowest percentage at just 6.2%.

The message? When it comes to global reproductive equality, we still have a long way to go.