Thought you knew Love Actually inside out? Think again

Everything you didn't notice the first (or 10th) time

Love Actually

Everything you didn't notice the first (or 10th) time

Christmas just isn't Christmas without gifts, mince pies, mulled wine and a Richard Curtis film. Whether you're an About Time kind of girl, or a Notting Hill advocate, during the festive season, it's all about Love Actually

So when the world heard that director Richard Curtis hadn't watched the film once since its original premiere back in 2003, we were suitably outraged.

Then, something dreamy happened. Richard and his wife, scriptwriter Emma Freud, decided to watch it again and live tweeted while doing so, giving us all a whole new perspective on one of our favourite festive films - complete with 17 different turtlenecks according to Emma.

Here's everything we learnt from these very comprehensive Twitter notes...

It was a total family affair, complete with multi-generational cameos and references

And don't worry, their friends weren't left out either...

Everyone absolutely loved Karl (it was hard not to...)

Rowan Atkinson = actual angel

January Jones = actual goddess

The Emma Thompson gift opening scene was just as heartbreaking to film as it was to watch. Don't make us watch it again. OK fine. We'll watch it again. *grabs the Kleenex*

The Colin Firth and Portuguese woman kiss (Aurelia) was choreographed to total romantic perfection

Sometimes you get cast on talent, and sometimes you get cast for your epic moustache...

Bill Nighy's character and his manager were the greatest love story of all

Although some scenes look like they were filmed against a green screen, they really weren't

Did Alan Rickman's character really cheat on his on-screen wife Emma Thompson? SAY IT AIN'T SO

And what happened to Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman's marriage after? (Sob)

And, er, how were the pretend porn scenes filmed?

Did Olivia Olson, who sung Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You to perfection, actually mime?

Were the airport scenes staged with fake people?

Well, there you have it. Now, all we have to do it re-watch it with all our new found knowledge. Enjoy!

Delphine Chui