So Apparently This Is The Best Month To Conceive Your Baby In...

Are you trying to conceive? Then you'll definitely want to read this.

Are you trying to conceive? Then you'll definitely want to read this.

Are you a September baby or were you conceived in June? It may seem totally irrelevant but according to a new study, the month in which you are conceived can make a huge difference to the rest of your life.

A study by Indiana University found that babies conceived in December were more likely to be healthy as infants and adults, while trying to conceive in June was apparently 'toxic'.

The university examined 52 million pregnancies over 12 years, and found that December conceptions result in the highest birth rates.

This could explain why every September is birthday-crazy, with seemingly half our friends born in the popular month.

In a speech at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference in the States last week, researcher Dr Paul Winchester said that mothers who conceive in December receive higher levels of sunshine and Vitamin D at the later stages of their pregnancy, which is believed to be beneficial for a healthier baby.

'We have seen significant seasonal differences in reproduction,' he said. 'Valentine's Day is one of the least likely times to conceive a baby, whereas Christmas seems a very positive time.

'June is a toxic month. The June effect was something that we saw develop at a very early stage. White mothers have the lowest survival rates in June and significantly shorter pregnancies, with premature babies.'

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