The New Self-Help Mind Makeovers

Self-help in 2015 looks like nothing you’ve seen before. Here’s your ultimate guide to an emotional recharge

Self-help in 2015 looks like nothing you’ve seen before. Here’s your ultimate guide to an emotional recharge

What’s your problem? Try one of the new mind makeovers, self-help 2015 style FOR GETTING UNSTUCK Dynamic Running Therapy

What is it? You run and…er, talk at the same time. With a therapist. But this isn’t personal training with a listening ear – how far or fast you run is irrelevant. ‘It’s about learning that it’s OK to not be competitive, to slow down and enjoy the green space,’ says William Pullen, psychotherapist.

Why does it work? ‘Emotions come up quicker when you exercise,’ says Pullen. ‘Adding physical movement creates psychological movement too, so it potentially speeds up the therapy process. We meet in a park, check in and often walk together before starting to run.’

It worked for me ‘It helped me become more laid-back,’ says Holly, 28, from London. ‘I went through a phase of wanting to control every little thing, which killed any spontaneity and drove my boyfriend mad. I knew I needed to address it but visit a stuff therapy room never appeals. There’s’ less pressure when you’re running, which immediately helped me open up.’ Where to try it You can try it with a friend you can trust (and who runs at your pace). ‘The emphasis is on listening, not discussing,’ says Pullen. ‘Questions are useful, opinions less so.’ Sessions with Pullen are based in London and cost £150 for 60 minutes ( or search ‘outdoor counselling’ at

FOR TACKLING A CAREER CRISIS Sloanology Personality Typing What is it? Love a good cause but get over-emotional? You’re a zebra. Thrive on responsibility but need lots of attention? Hello, otter. This therapy identifies which of 20 animal types you are, to give an insight into your strengths/ weaknesses and which careers you’d thrive in.

Why does it work? Created by coach, Sloan Sheridan-Williams, a series of questions puts you into four personality types, depending on what drives you (‘cerebrals’ are moved by logic, ‘inspirationals’ by ideas, and so on). You can then find out which animal you most relate to. ‘Then you can discover which you’d like to be more like,’ says Sheridan-Williams. ‘Maybe you’re a natural butterfly who lives I the moment, but need to be a bit more woodpecker and learn to plan ahead. We often use hypnosis and visualization to embed these characteristics subconsciously.’

It worked for me ‘I tried this the third time I was passed over for promotion,’ says Alice, 26 from Hampshire. ‘And I managed to conquer my fear of public speaking.’

Where you can try it Therapy sessions are available nationwide via Skype, from £89 for 90 minute session (


What is it? You’ve heard of ‘conscious uncoupling’ (thanks, Gwyneth), but conscious relating is about delving into your deepest-held beliefs about sex, sensuality and relationships to find out what’s holding you back from getting what you want.

Why does it work? ‘Being conscious means being self-aware, so you can spot old patterns,’ says therapist Jan Day. Done in groups (a mix of singles, couples, men and women) there’s an emphasis on role play (you might practice an honest conversation you’d like to have), but how much personal stuff you share is up to you.

It worked for me ‘I suddenly realised why I’m terminally single,’ says Anna, 31, from York. I wasn’t aware of the extent to which I mould my personality to fit in with a new man. This workshop gave me the courage to be myself,’

Where you can try it Jan Day’s weekend workshops cost £160 ( or search ‘conscious relating’ at


Crying Therapy

What is it? In therapy rooms across Japan, groups of professionals meet to watch video clips designed to make them cry, as research suggests a regular blubbing session is good for well-being.

Why does it work? ‘Crying can be an effective emotional release, but when it’s not appropriate we hold back tears,’ says clinical psychologist Dr Caroline Schuster. A group cry can be bonding as it taps into our innate drive to care. As a bonus, watching a tearjerker boost happiness levels by making you appreciate what’s going well in your life, according to a study from Ohio State University.

Where you can try it In your front room. Crying therapy hasn’t hit the UK yet, but that needn’t stop you grabbing a friend, sitting down with a box of tissues and a surefire weepy film. May we suggest The Notebook, Love Story or The Fault In Our Stars. We give you five...ten minutes, max.

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