J.K. Rowling just took on Donald Trump over Sadiq Khan's reaction to the terror attacks

‘If we need an alarmist blowhard, we’ll call'

(Image credit: Rex)

‘If we need an alarmist blowhard, we’ll call'

Following the London Bridge attack that took place on Saturday night, leaving 7 people dead and a further 48 injured, the Mayor of London was quick to issue a statement.

'The Metropolitan police are responding to the horrific terrorist attack at London Bridge and Borough Market', he wrote, asking Londoners and 'visitors to the city' to remain calm and vigilant. 'My thoughts are with everyone affected, and I’d like to thank the brave men and women of our emergency services who were first on the scene and will be working throughout the night.'

The incident saw attackers drive a van into commuters on London Bridge, before getting out at Borough Market and stabbing members of the public.

While the United Kingdom found comfort in his words, there was one person who wasn't too impressed, Donald Trump.

Deciding it was his place to tell Sadiq how to do his job, the President tweeted out ‘At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is "no reason to be alarmed!"’

J.K. Rowling, however, was quick to come to the Mayor of London’s aid, tweeting, ‘It’s called “leadership”, Donald. The terrorists were dead 8 minutes after police got the call. If we need an alarmist blowhard, we’ll call.’

Donald Trump’s opinion aside, the Mayor of London has been praised for his response and that of law enforcement, with the three attackers shot dead within 8 minutes.

Speaking at a vigil at Potter’s Field Park on Monday evening, the Mayor of London gave a moving speech to the thousands gathered.

‘We stand together tonight to honour the memories of the innocent lives lost and people injured in the barbaric attack on our city. London stands in defiance against this cowardly attack and our city and our people and our values and our way of life.’

He continued: 'As the Mayor of London I want to send a clear message to the sick and evil extremists who commit these hideous crimes; we will defeat you. You will not win. And as a proud and patriotic British Muslim I say this: you do not commit these disgusting acts in my name. Your perverse ideology has nothing to do with the true values of Islam and you will never succeed is dividing our city.’

‘We send our love to the victims’ families and all those injured and we thank our courageous emergency services and the brave Londoners who risked their lives. You are the best of us. Our city is filled with great sorrow and anger tonight but also great resolve and determination. Because our unity and love will always be stronger then the hate of the extremists. London will never be broken by terrorism. We will defeat the terrorists.'

Jenny Proudfoot
Features Editor

Jenny Proudfoot is an award-winning journalist, specialising in lifestyle, culture, entertainment, international development and politics. She has worked at Marie Claire UK for seven years, rising from intern to Features Editor and is now the most published Marie Claire writer of all time. She was made a 30 under 30 award-winner last year and named a rising star in journalism by the Professional Publishers Association.