This is the biggest relationship deal breaker for 75% of couples

It might surprise you

(Image credit: REX/Shutterstock)

It might surprise you

There are a lot of factors that determine when you reach certain relationship milestones but can you guess the biggest deal breaker when it comes to new couples taking the next step together?

Well, regardless of any emotional relationship advice you may hear, the most off-putting thing to a potential partner is actually the appearance of your home.

A huge 87% of participants in a survey carried out by said that they judge a new girlfriend or boyfriend on how tidy and clean their house is.

75% of them said that clutter and untidiness would be a make or break factor. So, you might want to ramp up your cleaning routine.

Relationship deal breakers


General uncleanliness is enough to discourage 83% of Brits from progressing with a new relationship.

Bad odour

81% of respondents say a bad smell would deter from any further dates with the person they were seeing.

Dirty toilet

Dirty toilet is a big no-no for 80%.

Unmade bed

76% say an unmade bed would put a stop to the budding relationship.

Old furniture

Tired or worn out furniture would have the same effect for 66%.


Clashed in general style and decoration is enough to put off 63% of those surveyed.


61% feel strongly about having cuddly toys on the bed.

Remnants of a previous relationship

59% say seeing things in the house belonging to an ex is a deal breaker.

Delphine Chui