5 things every wannabe wellness guru needs

Promotional feature with Pearl Drops

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Promotional feature with Pearl Drops

Busy women (read: all of us) are realising that me-time isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity. 

We all want glowing skin, a strong core and a healthy, white smile that proclaims we're on top of our game. But, let's be honest, there have been times when food-exercise-rest hasn’t been a priority.

This year, more than ever, self-care is a mantra hot on the lips of all the wellness gurus. From meditation apps to a new crop of über-healthy food trends (golden milk, anyone?), a healthy lifestyle is key to getting that all-essential joie de vivre.

Mindfulness apps

The next time you're feeling anxious, stressed and can't sleep, use an app like HeadSpace to guide you back to calmness with meditation and mindful breathing exercises. What's great is that you can do quick 3-minute sessions on your commute to work or during the day, then longer ones in the evening when you've got more time. The app makes meditation seem easy and the music is so relaxing.

A bright smile

We all know the power of a smile to spread the love... And thanks to brilliant whitening toothpastes and a positive change in teeth trends, a whiter smile that's true to you is now more desirable than Hollywood perfection every time. Want to whiten your teeth using natural ingredients? Pearl Drops Pure Natural White Toothpolish, £6.99, is destined to become your gleam go-to. with 90% of its ingredients sourced from natural origins, including white clay extract, it will remove stains, giving you naturally whiter teeth in just two weeks. Boom.

Healing crystals

Today, spirituality is as important as fitness to many of us and crystals are the latest thing we’re intrigued by. We’re not entirely convinced that keeping a rose quartz on your bedside table or carrying a black tourmaline in your handbag will open your heart chakra or beautify your complexion, but some of our fave celebs are getting into this new age vibe. Want in? Then treat yourself to The Little Book of Crystals – it covers everything a beginner needs to know about crystals.

Beauty boosts

What you eat is as important as your skincare routine, so make sure you're eating plenty of foods that are rich in nutrients to help repair, maintain and boost your skin, hair and nails. All brightly coloured fruit and vegetables contain antioxidants... so try cooking with as many different colours as you can each night. There are so many amazing companies, such as Abel & Cole, offering fresh fruit and veg boxes with heaps of variety. By the end of the week you’ll be able to say you ate a rainbow.

A fitness buddy

What’s the one thing that can make exercising more fun? Doing it with a friend – which is why we’re all over partner workouts. From smashing a HIIT session together on your lunch break to trying a new fitness trend like Aerial Pilates, working out together is not only fun but effective too. Psychologists say it creates a tribal effect, so before long your girlfriends will want to get in on the act. We guarantee it'll be way more entertaining than the usual jog-and-gossip session. Now who's smiling?!