Big bottoms are good for you

Scientists claim a generous rear is good for you as bottom fat raises the healthy cholesterol in your body

Woman's bottom
Woman's bottom
(Image credit: REX)

Scientists claim a generous rear is good for you as bottom fat raises the healthy cholesterol in your body

Love your big bottom because it is good for you, according to scientists from Oxford University who say bottom fat helps protect against hardening arteries.

The scientists found that storing fat in your bum, rather than around your tummy, cuts the levels of bad LDL cholesterol and raises the good HDL cholesterol, preventing health problems.

The study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, suggests an ample derriere could even cut your risk of developing diabetes.

'Fat comes in good and bad forms,' says Professor Jimmy Bell, head of metabolic and molecular imaging at Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust.

'Gluteofemoral fat stored around the bottom seems to act as a buffer, mopping up inflammatory fats that could have a dangerous affect elsewhere.'

Professor Bell explains that because fat around your bottom breaks down more slowly than belly fat, it produces fewer inflammatory cytokines, which are chemicals linked to diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

'Burning off too much of this healthier form of fat isn't good for you,' he says.