Tampon Tax Around The World: Where Does The UK Fit In?

Obama's against it. Cameron has acknowledged it's not exactly great. But where does the rest of the world stand on tampon tax?

Obama's against it. Cameron has acknowledged it's not exactly great. But where does the rest of the world stand on tampon tax?

The other week, Obama made the statement that tampon tax is something that everyone should fight against.

It has chastised millions of women across all corners of the world for generations, he said. And we agree. From here in the UK to Pakistan, from the USA to Malaysia: the archaic and damaging tax on tampons, pads and mooncups has nestled its way into the history of the world.

The good news is that there is something you can do about it. Hundreds of thousands of people are campaigning to put an end to the madness of tampon tax across the world. Since I started the 'Stop Taxing Periods. Period' campaign almost two years ago, so much has changed: some countries have axed the tax altogether, while others have newly implemented it and the rest sit somewhere in between.

Here's an update, to show you that wherever you are in the world, there's a fight for you to join or create and a change for you to make.

AUSTRALIA - 10% Tampon Tax rate Earlier last year it seemed that our Aussie sisters were headed for success, when the prospect of axing sanitary tax was discussed in Parliament. However, sadly this wasn't the case. Instead, the Prime Minister declared the issue a state matter, undermining the efforts of campaigners. This campaign can succeed nonetheless, and will do so with more support. 

What an you do? To combat this setback, we need new sister campaigns set up in each Aussie state. (Contact me if you are based in Australia and are willing to lead a new petition at lauracoryton@hotmail.co.uk.)

CANADA - 0% Tampon Tax rate VICTORY: our Canadian sister campaign succeeded early last year, ending tampon tax across the country. Period!

FRANCE - 5.5% Tampon Tax rate SUCCESS: Recently, the French government has reduced sanitary tax from 20% to 5.5% thanks to all of the tireless campaigning undergone throughout the country! But the fight isn't over until the tax is axed. Altogether.

What can you do? Sign and share our sister petition here.

GERMANY - 19% Tampon Tax rate German ministers have yet to make a bold move into tampon tax territory. But pressure is building and hopefully they will soon be forced into doing so. What can you do? Sign and share our German sister campaign! And after that, protest!

ITALY - 21% Tampon Tax rate Recently, two Italian MPs have proposed a parliamentary motion to debate the axe sanitary tax in Italy. Hooray! This will force Italian politicians into talking about the issue. More news to come!

What can you do? Sign, sign, sign our Italian sister petition, and as always, get talking!

UNITED KINGDOM - 5% Tampon Tax rate After generations of protesting and even Prime Minister David Cameron deeming the tax rate 'unfair', Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne has finally vowed to see the end of tampon tax here in the UK. He has also ensured that all tax revenue collected from sanitary products will be donated to charity. But our fight isn't over until the 5% drops...

What can you do? Pleeeease share our petition, join our protests, start your own and talk, talk, talk! Make sure the Chancellor doesn't forget his vow.

UNITED STATES - Tampon Tax rates vary between States President Obama made a speech last week in support of the global fight against tampon tax, which he deemed to be the only 'sensible' way to axe the sexist tax that 'shocked' him. 40 US states currently implement the tax, however protesters have demanded change in states such as Washington and California. 

What can you do? Start your own petitions, wherever you are. Email us for any help and to link up at lauracoryton@hotmail.co.uk.

Wherever your location, we want to hear from you to support your fight to end tampon tax. Period!

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